Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blogs in the classroom

Blog’s are online personal journals used for personal views and information intended for public view. Blogs contain a series of entries posted by the author. Blogs can cover a range of various topics. They can include links to websites and documents, and videos and images can be embedded. The author of a blog is often referred to as a blogger. Comments can be made on each posting.

There are many uses for blogs in the classroom. Given that learning itself is an inherently social activity, and we know that the digital native has significant experience in the use of technologies outside of their formal learning, it has tremendous potential. (, 2006) Some uses of blogging in the classroom include:

      • an online journal to record information from investigative science reports/experiments.
      • writing chapter summaries from a novel, adding pictures and images to support the understanding of the story.
      • Homework, students can reflect on new learnings from the day’s topics.
      • Information for parents, upcoming events

Education Services Australia. (2006) Blogs, Wikis, RSS and there's more? Web 2.0 on the march. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah
    Great work on blogs. I had never thought of using it for chapter summaries. What do you see as the downside or limitations of blogs?

    Please come and comment on my blog when you have time at
    Thanks Tanya
